FMR Sweeper Head Kit for Tool Carrier Frame
Specifically designed for vineyards these sweepers efficiently move canes from underneath the vines to the mid row. With spring-loaded sweeper heads, they enable easy movement around trunks and posts in the vineyard while ensuring cleanliness throughout the process.
AME Group have adapted their FMR Sweeper Heads to operate on NB Machinery Tool Carriers, providing more versatility with the base machine that allows other undervine and mid-row tools to be fitted.
This well proven and effective sweeper will easily move the prunings into the vineyard mid row. Pairs well with a NB Machinery Mulcher when the sweeper is mounted on the front of the tractor.
FMR Undervine Sweeper heads:
- 400mm heads hydraulically driven
- Nylon bristles with formed steel end to locked into upper body
- Spring breakaway on heads with stop control
- Manual incline forward and tilt upwards control
- Sturdy and proven with easy replaceable brushes
Undervine sweepers are essential tools for vineyard owners. They efficiently gather vine prunings from the undervine area, making it easier to mulch them.
Additionally, these sweepers can be used to manage early stage weed growth undervine, with light soil disturbance the sweeper heads are an effective option for control of young weeds.
Vineyard sweepers can also be used to pull an undervine soil improvement/weed suppression cover crop out of the vine canopy, reducing humidity and disease risk.
With undervine sweepers, growers can maintain a clean and well-managed vineyard while saving time and effort.
FMR Sweeper Head Kit for Tool Carrier Frame
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