Mechanising tasks enable vineyard operators to efficiently cover more ground while ensuring that work is completed within optimal windows for grape production. But is it just for the large operators, or are there benefits for small producers?
Adam Hogg is the Dealer Principal at Margaret River Machinery, and supports both corporate and boutique grape growers in their region and says “Mechanisation isn’t just about scale, it benefits vineyard operators to execute timely cultural practices. Having the right equipment means they can complete tasks without the delays caused by labour availability or weather conditions.”
This ensures that necessary activities are carried out when needed for optimal fruit development, giving growers both flexibility and control of their vineyard operations.
Adam recommends choosing equipment that provides a flexible foundation for your vineyard tools. “Look for base units that can support multiple tools, such as the Xtrem tool carrier for weeding and tillage implements, or the ERO mast for trimmers that can be adapted for shielded herbicide application systems. “
For small blocks with limited access to labour, combining compatible tasks can enhance overall efficiency. Sweeping and mulching vine prunings in a single pass, or trimming and slashing are examples of multitasking opportunities. The ideal setup is to have a flexible tool carrier system, with front and rear tractor mount options to use different implements for the tasks at hand.
Selecting a sprayer such as the affordable Octopus Plus that covers two or more rows per pass also saves time and resources. In a small vineyard, several tasks can be mechanised to improve efficiency and vine health. These include:
Pre-pruning |
Trimming |
Defoliating |
Undervine weed control |
Mid-Row Slashing and Mulching |
When looking at vineyard equipment, Adam recommends that growers do not just look at the capital cost alone.
“We take the time to talk through each task in terms of tractor hours, contract labour cost and availability and yield risk” says Adam “A grower can start seeing positive impacts straight away through labour and fuel efficiency gains.”
It is essential for growers to understand potential equipment’s abilities, limitations, and requirements before making investment decisions.
Speak with your local dealer or the team at AME to discuss important factors like row width, canopy type, and your current tractor specs to help determine the right equipment for your vineyard.
Get the right advice on mechanisation in small vineyards from AME.